General Schedule
Here you can general schedule of Miami Aikikai. We will keep you updated here about any update in general schedule.
Aikido General/Advance Class
Aikido General/Advance Class
Aikido Weapons Class
Aikido Basics/General Class
Nothing to show.
* Advanced or weapons classes may be attended by students who have demonstrated an acceptable level of awareness and proficiency with ukemi (receiving techniques).
Each class begins with a brief warm-up period to help stretch muscles and center one’s focus. A class may cover a single or several related or different techniques. After a short demonstration by the instructor, students will be asked to pair up and practice the techniques with each other. Techniques are practiced at a speed or level of resistance in accordance with skills and experience of the practitioner.
** Private classes are available.
***Classes are booked using Zen Planner App. If you decide to join Miami Aikikai, you are required to download the APP on your phone and record your attendance each time you join a class. This method will keep track of your progress for testing purposes.